competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, December 14, 2019

science reporter

Kurukshetra in the December 2019 edition in this article we determine the following concept in page no: 61 this article has been published.
Illegal wildlife trade victim:
Just one single matured gecko can fetch a price of Rs 20 lakh in the international market. Local smugglers in north-east India get about Rs 50000 to Rs 2.5 lakh and then it is sold through various markets across the country. The price of gecko is dependent upon its size and weight and therefore, sometimes, low weight geckos are injected with mercury to make them heavier rates.
Kurukshetra releases this magazine every month with new happenings around the world. The aspirants who are preparing for any sought of government examination this magazine will help you in the examination point of view.

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