competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, May 22, 2021

competition success review subscribe

 competition success review subscribe


competition success review subscribe  Published this articles page no 106 Spectrum Usage Charges (SUC) for the spectrum acquired in this auction will be payable at the rate of 3% of Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) of the licensee excluding revenue from wireline services. The auction is concluded and these provisional results are subject to scrutiny and approval by the Government. With the deployment of additional spectrum acquired in this auction in the networks of Telecom Service Providers the Quality of Service and customer experience of telecom consumers across the country are expected to improve. The Union Cabinet had approved a proposal of the Department of Telecommunications to conduct spectrum auction through which spectrum will be assigned to the successful bidders for providing commercial mobile services. By winning the right to use spectrum through the auction incumbent telecom service providers will be able to augment their network capacity whereas new players will be able to start their services. competition success review subscribe

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