competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Sunday, July 24, 2022

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher 

General knowledge refresher  Published this article page no 14 dard in aryan valley it is a buddhist tribal group in ladakh.  the dard aryans inhabit dha hanu beema darchik and garkone villages in leh and kargil districts. the 5 villages are together called the aryan valley.  the word dard is derived from a sanskrit word daradas which means people who live on hillsides. people of this region are culturally and linguistically different from those in other parts of ladakh.  their culture is the aryan culture.  dard aryan is not among the list of notified schedule tribes.  geotourism sites in north east why in news? recently it was reported that geological survey of india (gsi) proposed geotourism sites in north east to visit. more on newstwelve locations in northeast are proposed to be included in 32 approved geotourism or geoheritage sites in the country. 47 o of the 12 sites three are in meghalaya two each in assam and tripura and one each in arunachal pradesh manipur mizoram nagaland and Sikkim General knowledge refresher buy.

General knowledge refresher 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  25 Training of Gram Nyayadhikari This is imperative keeping in mind the objectives of Gram Nyayalayas. Apart from the legal and procedural requirements of Gram Nyayalayas training may also include the local language of the community amongst whom they are posted.  Creation of awareness among various stakeholders Suitable steps may be taken for creating awareness among various stakeholders including the revenue and police officers. INNER LINE PERMIT Why in news? Recently Manipur has launched an online portal for the travellers to seek Inner Line Permits. More on news  Now applicants can apply the ILP online by making necessary payment and preprint their permits before reaching the state.  The new system would also overcome the problems and difficulties faced by the concerned authorities and officials while issuing permits manually at various entry points or gates. About ILP  It is a travel document that allows an Indian citizen to visit or stay in a state that is protected under the ILP system. o Foreigners need a Protected Area Permit (PAP) to visit tourist places which are different from Inner Line Permits needed by domestic tourists Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly Published this article page no  06 In Public Interest Foundation Vs UoI 2014 SC directed the trial courts to complete the trial of cases involving the legislators within one year.  In Lok Prahari Vs UOI case 2018 SC made mandatory the disclosure of the source of income of political candidates as well as their dependants and associates would be mandatory. o Also disclosure of information regarding contracts with the appropriate government either by the candidate or hisher spouse and dependants was also held to be disclosed mandatorily.  In Public interest foundation case 2018 Court directed disclosure of criminal cases pending against the candidate by himselfherself through EC and hisher political party. Moreover the criminal antecedent of candidates must be widely publicized through different media including the websites of concerned political parties.  Selfperpetuating Since the parties focus on winnability of the candidate (also hampering the inner party democracy) they tend to include more and more influential elements. Thus criminalization of politics perpetuates itself and deteriorates the overall electoral culture. Way Forward  arihant current affairs magazine monthly buy.

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no  146 Promotes medical tourism in the country: India is a huge market for surrogacy as is reflected from the fact that in 2012, the size of Indias surrogacy industry was $2 billion a year with more than 3,000 fertility clinics engaged in this across the country. Supports Intended Parents: By helping them exercise their right to life and complete their family. Shortcomings of the Act Total ban on Commercial surrogacy: A total ban on commercial surrogacy will push the industry underground and render surrogate mothers even more vulnerable. 76o In B. K. Parthasarthi v. Government of A.P, it was decided that the right to decide about reproduction is essentially a personal choice, and the states intrusion into such a decision-making process has to be stringently scrutinized. Restricting surrogacy only to heterosexual couples: The Apex Court in DEVIKA BISWAS V. UNION OF INDIA, held that right to reproduction is an essential facet of Right to Life under Article 21. o Thus, restricting surrogacy only to heterosexual couples and within a particular age group while denying reproductive choices to the LGBT community, single persons, and older couples is an evident violation of Article 21 and Article 14 as well. Issues with the Definition of infertility restricted to failure to conceive: It does not cover all cases in which a couple is unable to bear a child. o For example, medical conditions where woman may conceive but is unable to carry a child throughout the period of pregnancy knowledge questions magazine buy.


knowledge questions magazine

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no 105  Simplifying access to biological resources and intellectual property rights (IPR): o Certain entities must seek approval from the NBA for obtaining biological resources, including organisations registered in India, with any non-Indian shareholding or management, which has been changed to any foreign-controlled company registered in India. o Applicants can now obtain NBAs approval before the grant of IPR and not before applying for IPR. o Anyone who does not need approval from NBA to access biological resources must 53give prior intimation to the concerned SBB. Further, they must- register with the NBA before the grant of IPR, and get prior approval of the NBA before commercialising the granted IPR. Reduction of certain offences: The provision which made offences under the act cognizable and non-bailable was deleted. However, penalties may extend upto ₹1 crore. Provisions related to BMC: State government will prescribe the composition of BMCs, whose strength has been fixed between seven to eleven members. Further, state governments may also constitute BMCs at the intermediate or district Panchayat level. States can declare Threatened species: Central government can delegate the power to notify any species which is near-extinction as a threatened species to the state government. o However, before notifying any threatened species, the state government must consult the NBA pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy. 

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no  104 Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) are responsible for preparing Peoples Biodiversity Registers which keep a record of all flora and fauna including details of traditional knowledge available in their region. Key Provisions of the Proposed Amendments Extension of Exemptions: Registered AYUSH medical Practitioners, people accessing codified traditional knowledge, cultivated medicinal plants and its products, people who are practicing indigenous medicine including Indian systems of medicine for sustenance and livelihood are exempted from giving prior intimation to SBB for accessing biological resource from certain purposes pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Published this article page no  18  Madhya Pradesh government has issued an order restricting anganwadi workers from being employed for duties not relating to the Integrated Child Development Services. About Anganwadi workers  Anganwadi Worker (AWW) is a community based frontline honorary worker of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Programme.  She acts as an agent of social change mobilizing community support for better care of young children girls and women.  They are paid a monthly honorarium as decided by the Government from time to time. In addition many StatesUTs are also giving monetary incentives to these workers out of their own resources. Problems Faced by Anganwadi Workers  Inadequate honorarium Majority of the AWW belong to the below povertyline category and the honorarium provided to them barely covers their basic expenditures.  Lack of social security benefits The workers do not have permanent jobs with comprehensive social security benefits like other government staff.  Excessive record maintenance The AWW have to maintain total 12 registers including survey register immunization register ANC register referral register dairy cum visit book etc. which is a tedious task.  Work overload The workload of the Anganwadi staff is heavy considering number of responsibilities.  Logistic supply related issues The Anganwadi workers face several problems related to logistics supply delay including medicine medical kit etc.   Poor Infrastructure The building facilities in terms of space and nature of construction are unsatisfactory with many of them not having basic drinking and sanitation facilities.  Lack of cooperation from community Their respective communities have an apathetic attitude towards their work due to which community participation or help is negligible. Way Forward  Along with honorarium some performance based incentives and other social security benefits like pension schemes should be provided to AWW Banking service chronicle buy.

Banking service chronicle

Monday, July 4, 2022

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle Published this article page no  147 There are no Front Runner states and the top performing states Haryana Karnataka and Kerala are in the Achiever category.  For rational comparison StatesUTs are grouped into four groups based on aggregated Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) required to meet the states actual energy demand (electricity coal oil gas etc.) across sectors. o TPES grouping shall help states compare performance and share best practices within their peer group.  Building 6 states have amended Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 2017 to suit regional and local conditions and have notified the code in the states official gazette. o Four states have incorporated ECBC 2017 in municipal building byelaws.  Industrial sector 35 industrial units across 13 states reduced their energy intensity through the adoption of EE measures.  Municipal Energy Efficiency 11 states have installed centralised control and monitoring systems for street lighting in some municipalities within the state.  Transport Sector 6 states have released Electric Vehicle (EV) or emobility policies and 4 have published draft EV policies Banking Services chronicle buy. 

Banking Services chronicle