competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, July 4, 2022

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle Published this article page no  147 There are no Front Runner states and the top performing states Haryana Karnataka and Kerala are in the Achiever category.  For rational comparison StatesUTs are grouped into four groups based on aggregated Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) required to meet the states actual energy demand (electricity coal oil gas etc.) across sectors. o TPES grouping shall help states compare performance and share best practices within their peer group.  Building 6 states have amended Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 2017 to suit regional and local conditions and have notified the code in the states official gazette. o Four states have incorporated ECBC 2017 in municipal building byelaws.  Industrial sector 35 industrial units across 13 states reduced their energy intensity through the adoption of EE measures.  Municipal Energy Efficiency 11 states have installed centralised control and monitoring systems for street lighting in some municipalities within the state.  Transport Sector 6 states have released Electric Vehicle (EV) or emobility policies and 4 have published draft EV policies Banking Services chronicle buy. 

Banking Services chronicle

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