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Monday, December 19, 2022

drishti current affairs magazine English

drishti current affairs magazine English

drishti current affairs magazine English This article was published in the magazine The monitoring is being carried out with the help of Central Pollution Control Board; State Pollution Control Boards; Pollution Control Committees; National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nagpur. o CPCB co-ordinates with these agencies to ensure the uniformity consistency of air quality data and provides technical and financial support to them for operating the monitoring stations Air quality standards: CPCB air quality standards in form of NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards) are notified for 12 parameters (carbon monoxide (CO) nitrogen dioxide (NO2) sulphur dioxide (SO2) particulate matter (PM) of less than 2.5 microns size (PM2.5) PM of less than 10 microns size (PM10) Ozone (O3) Lead (Pb) Ammonia (NH3) Benzo(a)Pyrene (BaP) Benzene (C6H6) Arsenic (As) and Nickel (Ni)). 30 o NAAQS doesnt meet the WHOs existing standards (2005 guidelines) and considerably differ from updated guidelines. For instance NAAQS specify an annual limit of 60 microgram per cubic metre for PM 10 and 100 for a 24-hour period which are 15 and 45 respectively in revised WHO guidelines. Related News: National air quality index (NAQI) NAQI is tool that uses numbers to simplify air quality data by classifying pollution levels into 6 categories—good satisfactory moderate poor very poor and severe—and denotes a color code on the basis of how harmful the pollution in a specific area is. Each of the pollutants— PM10 PM2.5 NO2 SO2 CO O3 NH3—are assigned an air quality index (AQI) drishti current affairs magazine buy online.

drishti current affairs magazine English

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