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Monday, June 27, 2022

drishti ias current affairs magazines

drishti ias current affairs magazines

drishti ias current affairs magazines  Published this article page no  63 5. In 2009 it began a new series of robotic lunar missions with the launch of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS). 6. In 2011 NASA began the ARTEMIS. 7. In 2012 the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft studied the Moons gravity. 8. Apart from the USA the European Space Agency Japan China and India have sent missions to explore the Moon. China landed two rovers on the surface which includes the firstever landing on the Moons far side in 2019. Insta Curious On 20th July 1969 Neil Armstrong along with Edwin Buzz Aldrin became the first human to step on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Insta Links Prelims Link 1. Names of various craters and their locations on the moon. 2. Manned missions to the Moon so far. 3. Indias missions to the moon. Mains Link Write a note on NASAs Artemis program. 2. Solar conjunction event Context A team of scientists from different units of ISRO used Sband radio signals from Mangalyaan the Indian Mars orbiter to study the solar corona and locate the area of the sun where the temperature rises abruptly.  The details are yet to be published. Significance of the study  The scientists utilised the solar conjunction event when the Earth and Mars are on the opposite sides of the Sun.  During conjunction events which happens once in two years for Mars the radio signals from Mangalyaan pass through the solar corona — about 10 solar radii or about 6957000 km from the centre of the Sun.  This provides scientists a unique opportunity to study solar dynamics. Each solar radii is about 695700 km. What is Solar Conjunction? It is the period when Earth and Mars in their eternal march around the Sun are obscured from each other by the fiery orb of the Sun itself.  The two planets are temporarily invisible to each other like dancers on either side of a huge bonfire.  Solar conjunction occurs every two years. How will it impact space missions? Mission controllers at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory respond in a variety of ways.  Before solar conjunction the mission team sends up any necessary commands drishti ias current affairs magazines buy. 

drishti ias current affairs magazines

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