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Monday, June 27, 2022

drishti ias current affairs magazines

drishti ias current affairs magazines 

drishti ias current affairs magazines  Published this article page no  64 They turn off some instruments. They collect data from others and store it.  In some cases they continue sending data to Earth knowing that some data will be lost.  No one attempts to send new instructions to Mars during solar conjunction. Did you know about the Great Conjunction? Astronomers use the term great conjunction to describe meetings of the two biggest worlds in the solar system Jupiter and Saturn.  It happens about every 20 years.  The conjunction is the result of the orbital paths of Jupiter and Saturn coming into line as viewed from Earth.  Jupiter orbits the sun about every 12 years and Saturn about every 29 years.  Recently the conjunction occurred on 21st December 2020 the date of the December solstice. It was the closest alignment of Saturn and Jupiter since 1623 in terms of distance. The next time the planets will be this close is 2080.  Scientists have unravelled the science behind the jets of plasma  the fourth state of matter consisting of electrically charged particles that occur just about everywhere in the suns chromosphere which is the atmospheric layer just above the Suns visible surface. What are the jets of plasma? The jets or spicules appear as thin grasslike plasma structures that constantly shoot up from the surface and are then brought down by gravity.  144  The amount of energy and momentum that these spicules can carry is of fundamental interest in solar and plasma astrophysics. How they are formed? What are the recent findings? Astronomers at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics conducted an experiment to understand the science behind this drishti ias current affairs magazines buy.  

drishti ias current affairs magazines 

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