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Thursday, August 5, 2021

banking service chronicle july 2020

 banking service chronicle july 2020 

banking service chronicle july 2020  Published this article page no  There are currently 13 states that have legalized gambling and they have over 450 casinos between those states and they bring in 72 billion dollars a year. From this money states get extra money for road repair schools and many other things that a state needs money to fix and maintain. In the last 10 years there have also been a large number of Indian casinos being granted licenses in states that do not have legalized gambling which means the only place t gamble in those states is in the Indian Casino and they do not pay taxes on that money. Many states are waking up and realizing that there is a very profitable business out there that they are not getting any revenue from and not only does it bring money into the state it also creates thousands of jobs for each casino that opens. So for a state with a high unemployment rate this means more people are working and less of the stats money needs to be spent on these people again a win for the state and the people. It also means more money for the state to feed kids a hot meal at lunch and the money to put new books in the classrooms and maybe to build more schools. This money is also used in some states to hire more police officers. Legalized gambling besides bringing in more money to the government in taxes also brings money into the community gamblers will use services such as hotels restaurants and other local attractions while they are in the area. This can bring a major boost to a small starving economy separate from that of the casino. Another reason why many states are pushing to make gambling legal is to attempt to wipe out the illegal gambling business. Many people feel that if gambling is legalized there is no reason for people to go to sleazy and dangerous back room casinos. These type of places are becoming harder and harder for the police to find and as soon as they do find them they will either pack up and change locations or another will just take their place. Another bad thing about illegal casinos s that there is no one monitoring to make sure the casino is not cheating their players. In many cases police have raided illegal casinos and found that all the table and card games are rigged for the casino to win and if this is ever discovered the casinos operators have in the past committed murder to keep their secrets and most people fear for their lives and refuse to cooperate with the police. Legalized gambling is monitored to make sure both the player and the house are playing an honest game. Do not let all of this make you think that gambling has no downside. A lot of this money has to go to treatment for people who develop gambling addictions and most cities with a casino do usually see a rise in crime in those areas so more police officers are not just a luxury it is a necessity. banking service chronicle july 2020

 banking service chronicle july 2020 

banking services chronicle login

 banking services chronicle login

banking services chronicle login  Published this article page no  Has the United States lost its basic principle of morality? Has the United States moved away from the guiding principles that this country was founded on? A single line from the Declaration of Independence describes these basic principles and it is the meaning of these words which provided the foundation for the formation of the United States "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness." - Thomas Jefferson All Americans are created equal and that life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a right granted to every citizen of the United States. Our founding fathers acquired these principles from their religious beliefs and regardless of what people may think the United States was founded on Biblical principles. Our founding fathers did not use certain aspects of the Bible just to satisfy what they wanted in a country. They used the Bible as a whole in order to create an understanding of what the basic rights are for an individual. They concluded that these rights are from God and are given to all individuals. One of the unalienable rights given by our creator is the right to live our lives.  Our creator placed each individual on this earth for a reason.  Is it not true that other people in the world have that same unalienable right to live and fulfill Gods purpose? So if this is a founding principle for our country does it not follow that we as a country should help others less fortunate then us? Should not others who were born in underdeveloped countries have the same right to life? In this article I will address some of these questions with the hope that by examining these issues we can as a society move in a direction our founding fathers had envisioned. Americans have lost site of the fact that excess without giving is not really what our founding fathers had in mind. Lets examine some examples which are symbolic of this immorality that currently exists within the American society. Before presenting this first example we need to have a clear definition of what morality is. From WordNet a lexical database for the English language developed at the Cognitive Science Library at Princeton University morality is concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong. This first example of immorality may be considered by many as one that does not have anything to do with morality but if you give it more then cursory thought you would most likely consider it a morality issue. This first example has to do with Americans and their relationship with their automobiles. Yes immorality can be seen at such a insignificant level. More importantly this example shows the pervasiveness of immorality within the American society. Most Americans if typical need an automobile for basic functioning within most areas of the United States. The automobile has become a perfunctory status symbol. Many people within the United States can barely pay their rent or mortgage but they will shovel out money per month on an automobile they really can not afford. They spend money per month in the form of a car payment or lease just to have a “nice car. The American obsession with the sport utility vehicle is one I still do not understand. One basic argument of the SUV owner is that by driving a SUV they feel safer. If your driving skill is so poor that you can not avoid poor drivers try working on your driving skill. This to me makes more sense then driving a tank (SUV) which consumes large quantities of fuel and concomitantly contributes to an increase in fuel demand. This increase in fuel demand drives fuel prices upward. With Americans so reliant upon their automobiles higher fuel prices mean less extra money in their pocket. Money that could be used to help feed those dying from starvation throughout the world. The American car companies for many years pushed the SUV on the American public and now these car companies are suffering the consequences. The thinking as to why these companies offered these vehicles to the American public was that they thought Americans would continue in their mind set that excess is better. The American car companies today are doing poorly as a business. They have continually laid off workers in order to maintain a level of viability. They have been very slow to innovate and the federal government has had to mandate fuel efficiency.  Because of their sluggish response to the need for fuel efficient vehicles American car companies are now suffering the consequences. On the other hand Toyota and Honda companies which have put fuel efficient hybrids out into the market place are now doing very well. Toyota is now the number one car seller in the world.  Toyota and Honda have always placed fuel efficiency as a higher priority. A glimmer of hope lies in the fact that Americans are starting to create the mind set that excess is not good and frugality is the way of the future. Simply put driving SUVs is not intelligent. Driving an SUV when it really is not necessary is an example of overindulgence in the United States.  Granted there are situations where an individual needs a SUV such as Alaska or any area of the country where road conditions are poor or winters are severe.  Or there are occasions where material needs to be transported in a SUV because of  its increase carrying capacity.  In these cases there is a legitimate reason to own a SUV because of its utilitarian value.  But the majority of SUV owners are not in these situations or extreme conditions frequently enough to warrant owning such a fuel wasting vehicle.  Driving a hybrid is an example of intelligent frugality.  In order to buy a Toyota or Honda hybrid you will have to be put on a long waiting list.  This is a good sign that Americans are starting to develop the mind set that having less is better and frugality is the way of the future. Our society has been through a period of excess and over indulgence but changes hopefully are on the horizon. Morality in the form of giving needs to be reincorporated back into our society. It makes more sense to drive a more fuel efficient vehicle and use some of the saved money to contribute to the world hunger problem. For most morally conscious individuals this type of sustained and continual activity leads to greater long term happiness. Giving does not have to be monetary it can be in other forms such as giving time or knowledge. This bring us to our next example of morality reduction that has been in existence in the United States. Many parents today are not giving enough time to their children. Children need to be nurtured. A parents wisdom gained through a life time of experiences needs to be imparted to their children. Parents need to impart to their children the value of giving and a feeling of concern for others . When I was a child growing up school shootings where kids are killing teachers and fellow students was virtually unheard of. Today school shootings are occurring at an alarming frequency. To me part of the problem is due to parents not spending enough time with their children. Again it comes down to giving. In this case it comes down to giving time and knowledge. Parents not giving enough time to their children is another example of morality reduction within our society. Another example of the immorality prevalent within our society is displayed by the films which come out of Hollywood today. I am sorry to say that most of these films really are to put it bluntly garbage. Most of these films lack the cerebral quality of the earlier films. From a technical perspective i.e. special effects they are excellent but from a cerebral perspective they are lacking. They are only produced in order to make money for those who are producing them without any understanding to the implications they may have on society especially younger people. Creativity is basically gone from Hollywood and many of the movies coming out today are remakes of successful earlier films. Once and a while a good film will be presented to the American public but generally speaking most are junk. Most of todays actors are not really household names. They come and go fairly quickly and lack the staying power of a John Wayne Jimmy Stewart or Humphrey Bogart. These actors displayed a level of integrity and they new about the personification they were displaying to the American public. They were not perfect but they did display a higher level of morality. Is our society spiraling downward into the oblivion of lost hope? I believe not. More and more we are seeing examples which display the positive value of giving. A case in point. Time Magazine finally got it right when they named rock star Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates as the Persons of the Year for 2005. They were named persons of the year not because of anything that happened at Microsoft and not because Bono is a rock star they were named persons of the year for their charitable work and activism aimed at reducing global poverty and improving world health. Finally a media organization is recognizing the value of giving. Another sign of hope that Americans may be moving away from the mind set of excess and non-giving can be seen in the enormous outpouring of giving monetarily in the wake of the worst hurricane season the United States has had on record. Americans have also given monetarily to the tsunami relief effort. Americans have not been giving readily to the current starving in Africa. In December 2005 the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization issued a warning that nearly 12 million Africans face the immediate threat of famine. Americans have not been giving to the Pakistani earthquake relief efforts. This lack of giving is not really due to Americans not willing to give but rather due to the lack of media exposure. CNN would rather spend hours talking about whether President Bush broke the law by wire tapping potential terrorists in the United States then talk about the important world issues such as the thousands that are dying in the wake of the Pakistan earthquake or the starving in Africa. It is very important that the media expose these type of stories. You can not give if you do not know about the need. The point is this. Giving on a continuous basis produces feelings of long term happiness. For this country to get back to its moral principles giving to others in need is one way to move in that direction. Which brings me back to my original point. Americans need to fully get back to the mind set that giving and having less is of greater value then having more. We must move away from trying to produce short term happiness via artificial means. Artificial symbols such as what type of car you drive how fancy your clothing is or how many vacation homes you can acquire should be of less importance to any one who has some substance to them. The next time you find yourself propagating one of these excesses think of the 24000 people per day that are dying of hunger. Think about the six million children under the age of five which will die of hunger each year. Think about the downtrodden the abused and the tortured. When you think about these things giving makes more sense. Give what you can and when you can. Albert Einstein once said “ the value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving. What many people do not realize is that Albert Einstein was a deeply religious man. He knew that only a God could produce such a complex universe and that such complexity could not have been produced by random chaotic events. He saw the order in the universe and the relation of the universe with God. He simply did not wear his religion on his sleeve. He also had insights beyond physics in that he realized what truly gives a man a sense of happiness and inner peace. Einstein had it right in that happiness does not come from what you hold but really from what you give. No matter what your religious belief a life time of giving to those less fortunate then yourself will result in long term happiness. Give it a try. You might be surprised at the feeling it produces. A glimmer of hope is on the horizon. The United States can move back to its Biblical principles. But we must all do our part. banking services chronicle login

banking services chronicle latest  Published this article page no  While you read this publication youre far from alone. At least in spirit. Every day more than 200 million Americans read one or more of the nations 1400 daily papers. There are six good reasons 1. Its fun. Read the latest gossip sports scores or movie reviews if you like look at the cartoons or the comics or read the editorials letters from other readers and the columnists. You can discover the latest events official announcements inside stories and newest trends. From advice to the lovelorn to advice to the president you can find some intriguing ideas in Americas daily papers. 2. Its convenient. You can read the paper at breakfast on the train walking down the street or relaxing in an easy chair. You can get the information you want in the order and at the time and place you decide. 3. Its useful. You can read up on patent copyright and trademark decisions to help you understand what the next big thing may be. 4. Its family friendly. You can cut out articles to show your youngsters and not have to worry about what they might stumble upon as might happen with other media. 5. Its educational. When your children see you read the paper they may be more inclined to read and learn on their own. 6. It may even help your mind stay sharp. Do the crossword puzzle or the number puzzle every day. Doctors say exercising the brain can help stave off dementia. Making the newspaper easier and more enjoyable to read is the kind of high-quality newsprint created by top-of-the-line paper machines such as those made by Voith Paper Inc. one of the worlds leading manufacturers of such machines. In fact the company creates the machines for the production of one-third of all the worlds paper. banking services chronicle latest

 banking services chronicle login

competition success review price

competition success review price

competition success review price Published this article :  There has been a lot of buzz about bird flu or the avian influenza and how it could become a global pandemic. What would a pandemic really mean? The federal government just launched a 7 billion dollar program to help the prevention and out break of a bird flu pandemic. There have only been 83 deaths from avian flu worldwide since 2003. Health experts have not yet seen evidence of human to human transmission. So what does it mean? And why is everyone so worried about a pandemic? This new strain of flu virus would be more resistant than other normal flu strains and if it turns into a form that passes easily from person to person we would have little immunity to it. Millions could become ill and millions would die. Once it starts to spread it could move rapidly around the world infecting millions and affecting the lives of everyone. The World Bank which has estimated that a bird flu pandemic lasting a year could cost the global economy up to $800 billion. The economic toll on the world economy will be catastrophic. What is the worst-case scenario and how might it develop? Here is how a bird flu pandemic might unfold Outbreaks of avian flu in birds continue in several additional countries outside of Southeast Asia including Russia Africa and the Middle East Human cases of bird flu increase Health experts confirm first human-to-human transmissions Flu screening is stepped up at airports around the world for passengers coming from infected countries Health care workers show signs of increased exposure Air travel spreads virus to all corners of the globe within 3 months First confirmed human transmission cases appear in Europe Russia and the United States Outbreaks continue becoming more widespread reaching epidemic status Regional stockpiles of antivirals quickly dwindle new high volume production and distribution is 6 months off International flights are reduced or eliminated to help contain spread of the flu Billions are lost on international commerce affecting millions of jobs around the world US imports from Asian factories halted as Asian workers fall ill US inventories drop International trade devastated  US economy feels effects of loss of productivity due to millions of workers out sick Financial markets hit by panic selling gold prices soar Run on banks as investors convert to cash Hospitals see surge in flu patients overwhelming staff and supplies only those most likely to live given access to limited available ventilators  Healthcare workers and first responders out sick or stay home to care for ill family members Public events are canceled and schools are closed Government offices closed non essential services shut down Social services reduced or eliminated. Services still functioning are overwhelmed Public transportation halted Air traffic halted due to air traffic controllers airport staff and flight crews out sick Interstate commerce greatly reduced with truck drivers warehouse and rail workers out sick Food deliveries gas deliveries other essential supplies all reduced or eliminated Grocery stores close due to shipments being eliminated  Food distribution chain from farm to stores breaks down Travel restricted quarantines mandatory enforced by National Guard Widespread looting and riots over food shortages and access to healthcare Local State police and National Guard overwhelmed Social structure breaks down Domestic violence increases as people are forced to stay home Loss of workers affects all businesses across the economy including finance sanitation utilities internet distribution energy retail tourism and travel Utility outages increase as coal shipments are reduced and minimum required staffs at power plants and water plants are out sick Funeral homes are overwhelmed as bodies stack up 2nd wave of pandemic bird flu hits Global economy will take years to recover from catastrophic losses and loss of trained employees who died Does the above scare you? Think it wont happen? Well this is the exact scenario your local state and federal governments are training and planning for. How would you survive? It has always been recommended to keep 3 days of supplies on hand to survive a natural disaster. We have seen how the federal government handles natural disasters. The above scenario isnít for 3 days or 3 weeks. It might last up to 3 years. How would you survive being housebound for several months? What if you couldnt go to work or to the grocery store? What if you had love ones that were sick? You need to stay informed about a possible bird flu pandemic and learn how to provide for yourself and your family. It may not happen in the near future but health experts agree it will happen. It is just a matter of time. competition success review price. competition success review price

competition success review price

competition success review year book 2021

 competition success review year book 2021

competition success review year book 2021 Published this article :  Ive found a cool apartment! Okay okay…so its not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well I cant afford a more expensive place so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of Raid? I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy can I borrow your truck? You dont have one? Why not? Do you want one? Ill help you pick it out! Well it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess Id better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief! While Im on the phone Ill call the utility and phone companies. Yes I know I havent used your services before. No I dont have a credit card this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal? Daddy I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV! Boy this place is pretty empty. competition success review year book 2021

 competition success review year book 2021

competition success review 2021 pdf

 competition success review 2021 pdf

competition success review 2021 pdf Published this article :  42 years ago we sat in front of our television sets in complete shock. When the usually totally objective Walter Cronkite momentarily lost it on a live broadcast he represented faces all over America frozen in grief and disbelief. It was an innocent time. Young vigorous charismatic and eloquent Jack Kennedy represented the dreams of the young. Into a political world filled with tired old detached men he and his passionate New England intelligentsia swept like a fresh wind that promised a new world order and unlimited potential for all of us. We loved his accent his hair his humor and his energy. We couldnt wait to join the Peace Corps and remake the world. For years we quietly asked each other Where were you when Kennedy was shot? We all knew exactly where we were and what we were doing when the news came. It was a moment frozen in time a great divide between the promise that had shined so brightly and the unknown darkness that lay ahead after the light had been so prematurely extinguished. Later the cynicism of an ugly war a string of assassinations riots in the streets and the paranoia of a secretive administration would take their toll on our dreams our desire to participate and to serve and our belief in our leaders. We put away our optimism our social dedication and our carefree belief in our ability to make a permanent difference. We moved into business raised families made money and withdrew from the streets. We stopped marching stopped voting stopped caring. We lost our sense of trust and the heart in our fight for equality and peace slowly shriveled. When I ask at work Where were you when Kennedy was shot I am greeted by blank stares from staff who werent even conceived in 1963. Despite the pain of that time I feel deep sorrow for those who never had the opportunity to experience the excitement and euphoria of Camelot. As the old saw states It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. We lost a great and important part of ourselves on that grassy knoll in Dallas. But we are better people for the elation he gave us the dreams he inspired and the deep commitment to our fellow man that he generated within us. Those who missed that rare shining moment are all unaware diminished in their souls. And those of us who were lucky enough to have that spirit enter our lives however briefly must each mourn his death alone. Happy trails Jack. competition success review 2021 pdf

 competition success review 2021 pdf

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking services chronicle contact number

banking services chronicle contact number

banking services chronicle contact number  Published this article page no   Blaming guns is the simple and lazy response to crime in the United States. Unsurprisingly it is also wrong. Statistics from the National Federation of State High School Associations reveal that in 1999 15 students perished while playing in high school football games. This fact received little to no coverage in the national media. Angry parents did not parade into Washington D.C. in order to demand stricter regulation of high school football. Politicos feigning intense anguish did not bemoan footballs domination of most learning institutions sports programs. The large majority of this countrys citizens watched their favorite high school football teams oblivious to the blood that soaked the pigskin and dripped onto Americas playing fields. Conversely when 15 students died from gunshot wounds during the 19981999 school year as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate the national media evangelized endlessly about the evils of guns. Apparently forgetting that many of the kid killers such as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had obtained their weapons illegally hordes of crusaders seethed that if guns werent legal and available the school murders wouldnt have happened. A few local governments hoping to score political points filed lawsuits against gun manufacturers blaming them for the orgy of death and violence that seemed to have consumed Americas school system. Why did 15 deaths related to high school football inspire scant attention while 15 deaths resulting from gun violence kindled nationwide apoplexy Many rightwingers would simply answer Because the gun grabbers want to seize our weapons they will ignore any fact that stands in their way These conservatives believe leftists across America want to confiscate firearms for the sole purpose of extending government control over the citizenry. But really the notion that an enormous conspiracy in which common liberals from all regions of the country participate exists to subjugate the American people is patently absurd. Most Americans care too little about politics and government to sustain such a farreaching plot. Instead the average gun control advocate honestly does believe that laws tightly regulating firearms if not outright banning them would reduce the number of Americans who die as a consequence of criminal attacks. Gun control advocates amongst the populace acquire their ideas about firearms from news personalities and government officials who use guns as convenient scapegoats for this countrys high crime rate in order to avoid having to search for genuine causes and solutions. Whenever an event such as a school shooting occurs the personalities and officials shamelessly exploit the opportunity to vilify guns and the individuals who own them. The real interest here is not to save lives but to exacerbate public opinion against guns. That is why the whole world mourned the tragic deaths of 15 students from gunshot wounds during the 19981999 school year but few people if anyone seemed to care that 15 high school football players died in 1999. The truth about guns is that they save far more lives than they take. According to the Fall 1995 issue of The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology lawabiding citizens use guns to defend themselves an average of 2.5 million times per year and only in less than 8 percent of these occurrences will citizens actually need to fire their guns because most criminals will flee at the sight of a firearm. Of the 2.5 million annual instances of selfdefense 200000 are cases of women defending themselves from sexual abuse. In contrast accidental deaths suicides and homicides involving guns number on average less than 40000 every year. This means that American citizens usually employ guns to defend themselves over 60 percent more times yearly than they do to kill intentionally or otherwise. According to the August 28 1996 issue of The Wall Street Journal states with looser gun control laws experience less crime than states with tougher laws. For example in states that had begun to permit concealed weapons in the early 90s the murder rates fell by an average of 8.5 percent the rape rates by 5 percent the aggravated assault rates by 7 percent and the robbery rates by 3 percent. Extrapolating from these data if states that forbade concealed weapons instead allowed them 1570 murders 4177 rapes 60000 aggravated assaults and 11000 robberies annually would not have taken place. The story of Australia demonstrates what could happen in the United States if the American government were to ban guns. After a nut conducted a particularly brutal massacre in the mid90s Australia enacted laws disallowing personal firearms. By the end of 1997 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics crime had increased. The homicide rate rose by 3.2 percent the assault rate by 8.6 percent the armed robbery rate by 44 percent the unarmed robbery rate by 21 percent the unlawful entry rate by 3.9 percent and the car theft rate by 6.1 percent. Even supposing that Australias new gun laws did not directly cause the increase in crime the laws certainly did nothing to help matters. Because guns are not the forces for evil the media and the government claim they are no reason exists to forbid or to constrict the right to bear arms for lawabiding American citizens. Restrictions of freedom are only necessary and proper when their design is to prevent individuals from harming other people which outlawing guns would not accomplish. Indeed all the criminalization of guns would do is leave the average American defenseless against murderers and thieves who would retain their own guns in natural contrivance of the law. Rather than inhibiting freedom the United States should err on the side of liberty as per the Constitution and allow its citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights as they have over the first 200 years of American history. Contrary to the notion that the Second Amendment does not grant individuals the right to bear arms the Supreme Court ruled in its 1990 decision U.S. v. VerdugoUrquidez that the Second Amendment applies to persons who are a part of a national community. As Thomas Jefferson one of the most intelligent Founding Fathers said I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. banking services chronicle contact number

banking services chronicle contact number

banking services chronicle maths book

 banking services chronicle maths book

banking services chronicle maths book  Published this article page no   Frances recent civil unrest warrants that the nation examine US history books for the solution to their problem. Will France swallow its collective pride and do just that I hope so but a nagging doubt persists within my very being. I know that there are some people who are celebrating Frances recent troubles with delicious glee. I guess I can understand how they feel given Frances ongoing hypocrisy concerning the Iraq War [hmmm…whose hand is in that oilforfood cookie jar] and the all too common and world renowned snooty attitude displayed by many Francophiles toward outsiders. Time for you to eat some humble pie France. Your troubles are upon you but they can be resolved. Guess what You have to look at Americas example for your solution. I am not smiling…okay maybe just a bit. So there you have it. France is in a pickle and they arent quite sure why. I have three Latin words for the French to consider <b>E Pluribus Unum<b> Translated in English it means this Out of many one. In France immigrants remain outsiders always while in America we assimilate new folks. One or two generations after moving to France many Muslim young people [born in France] feel as if they are on the outskirts of French society. They dress differently talk differently and they live in enclaves apart from the native French people. In short they have no real future. Yes their religion is different but that shouldnt matter given Frances and the whole of Europes embrace of secularism and the eschewing of all things Christian. Hmmm perhaps <i>that<i> is part of the problem too. Anyway I am not saying we in America are perfect given our history of civil rights. Still fifty years removed from Rosa Parks defiant and brave act and forty years after many marches on Washington DC [as well as on capitols across our fair land] we here in America have learned our lesson. I believe it is time for the French to take a chapter from the pages of our American history books in order for them to get through this difficult time. If they do not additional unrest can be expected. Let not arrogance rule the day this is a time for the people of France to stand up and demand that her leaders respond accordingly. banking services chronicle maths book.

 banking services chronicle maths book