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competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking services chronicle maths book

 banking services chronicle maths book

banking services chronicle maths book  Published this article page no   Frances recent civil unrest warrants that the nation examine US history books for the solution to their problem. Will France swallow its collective pride and do just that I hope so but a nagging doubt persists within my very being. I know that there are some people who are celebrating Frances recent troubles with delicious glee. I guess I can understand how they feel given Frances ongoing hypocrisy concerning the Iraq War [hmmm…whose hand is in that oilforfood cookie jar] and the all too common and world renowned snooty attitude displayed by many Francophiles toward outsiders. Time for you to eat some humble pie France. Your troubles are upon you but they can be resolved. Guess what You have to look at Americas example for your solution. I am not smiling…okay maybe just a bit. So there you have it. France is in a pickle and they arent quite sure why. I have three Latin words for the French to consider <b>E Pluribus Unum<b> Translated in English it means this Out of many one. In France immigrants remain outsiders always while in America we assimilate new folks. One or two generations after moving to France many Muslim young people [born in France] feel as if they are on the outskirts of French society. They dress differently talk differently and they live in enclaves apart from the native French people. In short they have no real future. Yes their religion is different but that shouldnt matter given Frances and the whole of Europes embrace of secularism and the eschewing of all things Christian. Hmmm perhaps <i>that<i> is part of the problem too. Anyway I am not saying we in America are perfect given our history of civil rights. Still fifty years removed from Rosa Parks defiant and brave act and forty years after many marches on Washington DC [as well as on capitols across our fair land] we here in America have learned our lesson. I believe it is time for the French to take a chapter from the pages of our American history books in order for them to get through this difficult time. If they do not additional unrest can be expected. Let not arrogance rule the day this is a time for the people of France to stand up and demand that her leaders respond accordingly. banking services chronicle maths book.

 banking services chronicle maths book

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