competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, August 5, 2021

competition success review year book 2021

 competition success review year book 2021

competition success review year book 2021 Published this article :  Ive found a cool apartment! Okay okay…so its not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well I cant afford a more expensive place so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of Raid? I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy can I borrow your truck? You dont have one? Why not? Do you want one? Ill help you pick it out! Well it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess Id better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief! While Im on the phone Ill call the utility and phone companies. Yes I know I havent used your services before. No I dont have a credit card this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal? Daddy I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV! Boy this place is pretty empty. competition success review year book 2021

 competition success review year book 2021

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